The Nigeria Citizen Science Project (NiCeSCIP) is initiated to fill the data gaps across various aspect of the Nigerian society. The project seek to leverage the benefit of Citizen Science (CS) to collect and collate data for Nigerians by Nigerians.

The project will

  • Develop applications (web and Mobile) to facilitate CS data collection
  • Organise programmes and training to raise awareness of CS in Nigeria
  • Create open access database of CS data to facilitate open science

CS could be referred to as crowdsourcing for data collection and analysis in scientific endeavours. CS allows the public to participate in a scientific inquiry, thereby broadening the possibility, in terms of the amount of data that can be collected, the geographical coverage of the data collection, and their awareness of environmental issues. Using a similar protocol for data collection, CS allows everyone capable of using the protocol set up to participate, ensure high-quality data collection, enhance participation from a wider community and essentially can raise awareness about the issues under study. This approach (CS) has made it possible for scientists to achieve a wider coverage for investigation and leading to knowledge discovery that is not possible by the effort of one individual or a small group of researchers.

The first initiative within this project is the Lichen-Air quality Project

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